Otro comercio al por mayor especializado
Productos y servicios
Comercio al por mayor de chatarra y metales
Comercio al por mayor de chatarra y productos de desecho
Comercio al por mayor de chatarra y productos de desecho
Wholesale of waste and scrap
The company is engaged in the wholesale distribution of waste and scrap. It was incorporated in the year 2000 and it conducts business from its registered head office which is located in Etxarri-Aranatz, Spain. The company offers the following products: non-ferrous metal scrap, such as chromium, foil and cans, copper, lead, precious metals, nickel, titanium, cobalt, and zinc; and ferrous metal scrap, such as scrap from steel beams, food packaging containers, old cars, household appliances, railroad tracks, and ships. In addition, the company delivers products of the highest quality in the shortest time possible and to the fullest satisfaction of its customers.